Saturday 21 February 2009

Bless the British weather!

What unifies the British? Why, a fascination with the weather of course.

And is it any wonder!!!!!

Seven days ago we had four inches of snow in the garden.

Today, the sky was so blue and the sun so warm, that we ventured out to enjoy our first outdoor breakfast of the year. Was mushrooms on toast ever more appreciated?!

And we will be amazed as a nation when the weather changes again tomorrow - and need to talk about it at length.

God bless the British weather.


Mr. H. said...

Mushrooms on toast, now that sounds delectable. Another couple months and we will be off to the forest in search of wild morels. I can't wait.

As for the riveting weather updates...priceless.

Thanks for the laughter therapy,


AnneTanne said...

Well, I get the impression that the British are more like the Belgians than I even thought.

Rob said...

We also have a love of chocolate and beer. I had a bottle of Belgian beer last week and only realised it was 7 percent proof after I'd finished it. Gorgeous! A real winter warmer that was!

Rob said...

Mr H
Our Polich community are excellent at collecting wild mushrooms. The rest of us have a pathological fear of being poisoned. Makes mental note to try out some wild mushrooms this year and invite friends around to sample them first.