Wednesday 9 October 2024

Moving forward…

4 October 2024

A garden can’t stand still.

It’s either moving forward or going backwards.

And here’s the chance to work with number one son…

First to turn the stack of stored pine logs into something more interesting …

…. and to create a semi-circle of logs in our own form of woodhenge.

The logs will add to our stock of standing deadwood, contributing to soil mycology and invertebrate populations.

The head gardener will decide on the planting.
I intend to put in a small pond behind this area.

Next to hang a small five-bar gate and create a garden feature …

I bought the gate on an auction site and it’s sat, waiting patiently for me since then. Good gate! Sit! Stay!

But it’s eventually worked its way up to the top of the list.

The gate will allow us to close off access to this part of the Cedar Walk if necessary and may hopefully be something for small people to swing on.

Then finally to put a humungously heavy kestrel box in our big
The box is part of the biodiversity grant awarded by Severn Trent as mitigation for their local water main works. 

We sited a kestrel box within our garage gable and, although always getting interest from our local male kestrel, he’s never persuaded his mate to nest. Perhaps it’s the north facing aspect of the entrance? Or the disturbance from our neighbours Jack Russell..0

Let’s hope the new box is more tempting. The new gate will be able to exclude visitors and limit disturbance if we are successful.

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