Sunday 27 January 2008


The days are lengthening.
One sure sign is that snowdrops seem to have suddenly sprung up in the past few days of mild weather. These were photographed on a circular walk through Newstead Abbey this afternoon.

Soon will be time to plant shallots into pots so that their roots are well-established before going into the ground. Also need to sow early peas Feltham First and sweet peas.

We're getting there.

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Unknown said...

Ahhhh; one of my favourite flowers, the snowdrop, though I won't see mine for a while yet, buried as they are in snow. Nova Scotia isn't quite so benevolent, weatherwise. I like your blog a LOT!

Mark said...

The snowdrops are looking lovely in Shropshire too..

Rob said...

For that naturalised look in the garden avoid cultivars of the snowdrop or exotic foreigners. Buy our native snowdrop raised in the nursery.
Plant clumps of bulbs that have green leaves. These stand a much better chance of getting going and establishing themselves than planting bulbs.
Never dig them from the wild!!!!!!!!!!