Sunday 25 May 2008

fair feather friends

The assistant gardeners got another page in their record of achievement portfolio when we took them to help down at the allotment. Their beady eyes, insatiable appetites and relentless scratching and pecking were harnessed to prepare some of the beds that will be planted with brassicas.

They really are highly effective in removing weed seeds and anything that moves.

They also drew several visitors to see just what whacky exploits we were up to next.

There is a rule that says that livestock cannot be kept at the allotments. I gave our vice chair a bantam egg to keep him sweet!


Matron said...

That's a great thing to do.. take your chickens out for a day-trip to the allotment! wonderful for weeding and turning soil as well as eating slugs and snails!

Anonymous said...

What about the chairman?