Sunday 10 August 2008

what's in a name?

The health-giving benefits of 'broccoli' are reported constantly. This week there were claims of its benefit in combating the onset of diabetes.

All this health, and sooo easy to grow in a reasonable summer.

Let's get the confusion out of the way first though. The vegetable that they refer to as 'broccoli' is, to be exact calabrese. Broccoli is similar but with a spicier flavour and available for a more limited period during the year - typically April.

Calabrese are sown into pots in the greenhouse and brought on until they can be planted outside. They're planted about 30cm apart and produce a single large floret. This is the 'broccoli' bought in the greengrocers and supermarkets.

If left after harvesting, the plants will produce a second flush of smaller florets. Calabrese is a summer plant and is said not to last through cold winters.

Successional sowing is a good idea. Our other bed of calabrese has just produced a large crop that we have frozen. The bed pictured was planted about six weeks later, and is looking strong. The netting provides protection from rabbits and wood pigeons.

The other enemy of calabrese is the large white butterfly, Watch out for caterpillars!

Calabrese is a reliable performer in the brassica ensemble! Highly recommended.


Lisa said...

Your plants look great! For us, broccoli is a spring or fall crop, or overwintered, if we're lucky.

I've got a nice patch of broccoli rabe (a different vegetable, to be sure), but I've transplanted a few brussels sprouts into the main vegetable garden as an experiment. (I'm not hopeful, but we'll see!)

I'd really love to try growing purple sprouting broccoli, but I'll have wait until late winter to sow seeds.


Rob said...

Brassicas are the biggest challenge for me as a gardener. I never have success with cabbage. I don't firm the ground enough for brussels sprouts (charmingly called Nobby Greens in England.
Broccoli and calabrese have done well this year. And kohl rabi. This isn't the same as your broccoli rabe is it? I'll put a picture up on the blog so we can compare.
Good luck with yours - and cheers.