Wednesday 22 July 2009

first early potatoes: sharpes express

We've been without our own grown potatoes now since February or March. So, the lifting of the first, first earlies a few weeks ago was eagerly awaited. A new variety to us too, and a traditional old variety as well: Sharpes Express.

Good yield, clean tubers, get them home, let's cook them.

And then the disappointment. Sharpes Express is a floury new potato that over boils easily. It has very poor flavour. I like waxy new potatoes that don't overboil and have a lovely strong 'new potato' flavour.

These are best par boiled, rolled in olive oil and home grown, crushed garlic and finished in a red hot oven.

Or, in other words: try another variety next year!


AnneTanne said...

We had the same disappointing experience with 'Première' a few years ago. Like you, we prefer a waxy new potatoe, not a floury one.

Rob said...

Next year we plan to grow a few early potatoes in bags at home and then move as quickly as we can to second earlies like Nicola and Vanessa.

Will said...

We have also had a dry spell between the last potatoes dug in Feb and the first of this year dug last week. What do you mean but "over boils"? That is a term I have not heard before. Interestingly some of the best potatoes are the volunteers that come up from the few I miss when digging.

Any Question Answered said...

oh, that was painful to read. We're just in the midst of pulling up our taters and we had a banner year. sorry to hear about your disappointment.


windsor, ontario

Rob said...

We use the term 'over boiled' when they split or turn to mush, no matter how carefully they are watched when being cooked.

We have had similar experiences with 'volunteers'. Next year, I will experiment by keeping some potatoes stored in bags and others will be stored in simple straw lined clamps in the soil. See which works out best.