There is a forgotten corner of the Cordwood site that was dominated by sycamore trees until this year. It is bordered by a close boarded fence and the coniferous plantation. And, of course, swamped by nettles, brambles and elder trees. Behind the close boarded fence stands a 'tree graveyard'. This area will become our 'tree nursery'.
We hope to plant some Nordman Firs here for Christmases in the future. And place into the nursery the many seedling trees and shrubs we are growing for our gardens of the future.
I'm imagining a meandering, log-lined path taking you through the baby trees and shrubs. As they grow up, my imagination can hear the cascading song of the Willow Warbler that has found a home for the summer.

But before that, lets suffer!!! Judith and Jill cleared the corner several weeks ago, including drawing together piles of wood chippings and removing brambles. Roger had the onerous job of collecting tangled and rusting barbed wire as well as moving logs. Jim (pictured) and I have been bramble clearing and leaving a cratered landscape where elder tree stumps once grew. And last week I began trying to clear the thick mat of nettle and ground elder roots. Hard work, even on sandy soil!!
So, to speed my faltering progress we've ordered two
Azada's to add to my growing collection of arcane gardening tools.
I'll be finished in a jiffy!!!!
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