Thursday 19 April 2012

rhs harlow carr

The Royal Horticultural Society gardens at Harlow Carr, Harrogate are as close to a place of worship for gardeners that the north of England has.

This was our third haj. And every pilgrimage brings forward different highlights - this time those of the spring.

Massed plantings of scented narcissus set within lawns..... as large a group of pretty erythroniums as I've seen.... glorious snakeshead fritillaries hidden away in the woods ...imaginative weavings of cornus and willow.....

But, for me, the star of the show was nothing quite as pretty or eye-catching.

As an organic gardener, I know that the God of good gardening is the soil from which all blessings flow and the years of composting and mulching were in evidence in every corner. Gorgeous, friable, improved soil!!

Soil improvement is essential if we are to produce vigorous, healthy communities of plants. The impact of the work of generations of gardeners at Harlow Carr was evident around our feet.

As soon as those pesky Robins have fledged their young I can get at my composting altar!!!

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