privet hedge - gone
To bring power, water and phone lines onto the site, a metre deep trench has been dug that followed the route of the privet hedge which separated the woodland garden and the orchard and vegetable garden.
Privet is an unlovely thing, so we were pleased to see it removed.

But the empty space left by the removal of the privet hedge created a headache. Thankfully, Steve had got the digger driver (also Steve) to use his big bucket and scoop out clumps of birch in the area we hope to use as our flower meadow.
So, on Wednesday, 'the boys' planted nearly fifty seedling silver birches in an informal row. Thanks to Gary, Jim and dad we got the job done in record time.
In the years ahead we hope to move these birch trees to new homes at cordwood and replace them with shrubs and small trees that will form a permanent boundary between these key sections of the garden.
We have a large California Privet hedge on two sides of our property. Actually like it a lot but it may be quite a different variety than yours. Will those birch do well in the shade of those larger trees?
It's just that there seem so many more interesting hedges Will. And privet needs cutting three times a year - which is not my favourite use of leisure time!!
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