Thursday, 18 September 2014

himalayan birch

Mothers day 2012.
There had been heavy rain when we began building the crescent shaped mounding that would one day be resplendent with snow white Himalayan birch (betula utilis jaqumontii) with self green underplanting to better show off the simple beauty of the trees.
work begins
In the beginning (well, in 2011) when we took over the site, the old concrete bases of the former mushroom sheds had become seeded with many years growth of our native silver birch (betula pendula). Always a favourite tree, when seen 'en masse' their beauty is unsurpassed. But, it was impossible to retain the trees as 'ground zero' began and the concrete bases were lifted and crushed. So we vowed to replant birch when our home was complete. A visit to the inspirational winter gardens at Anglesey Abbey near Cambridge gave momentum.  There, they have created a 'Narnia-like' micro landscape where the ghostly white trunks and stems of the empty winter Himalayan birch contrast with a simple dark mulch.
So, back to Mothers Day. My memory speaks to me of mud, and rain, and aching muscles as the mounding was created with the heaviest clay you have ever encountered salted with sand from our pond excavations. Our plasterer visited, incredulous on seeing Jill and Judith slipping and sliding in horrible clay on what should have been 'their day'.
Into this forbidding ground were inserted our Himalayan birch, each given a little comfort with a planting hole of well-rotted  compost.
an ikea mini store sets the trees off nicely
Then we swing in with one of the coldest and longest winters on record followed by a baking in the dry sun of the following spring and summer. But those birch held firm. We lost three, but the remaining group look strong as we end the 2014 season.
So, its on with my life in what seems like one long stretch of 'community payback'.  I don't have a 'tag' as other offenders do - but Jill is now at home all the time.
My job over the coming weeks is to remove the undergrowth of weeds that has sprung up, try and mix the unpromising slab of clay with the pond sand - and then lay a thick mulch of chippings on the surface. My aspiration is for one day, perhaps not in my life time, for a plucky band of worms to set up home - presumably on steroids as the clay is impenetrable and broke my garden fork.

The mulch should help. As with each area of our developing garden, I plan a small wildlife pond somewhere in this bed.
Then, the contrasting underplanting of ivy, sweet violets and bergenias through which seasonal bulbs will flower.

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