Sunday, 27 August 2023

Soil conditioner extraordinaire!

Browns & greens lined up
ready for composting 
Day 58 #365DaysWild 


Vital in the organic no-dig garden. 

Browns & greens mixed. Layered up and turned once.

Chock full of invertebrates, nutrients, beneficial soil bacteria and mycology. 

It will be raked onto the soil surface and the worms will do the work. Worms excrete their weight in nutrient rich worm casts each day. That’s a lot of fertility.

The BTO estimates earthworm abundance is down by at least a third in 25 years. This regrettable trend is not only a threat to soil health but also to bird populations, such as the blackbirds which eat them.

Compost turned out,
ready to use.

The estimated worldwide loss of topsoil due to intensive agriculture is estimated to be between 25 to 40 billion tonnes per annum. 

I guess those of us who attempt to grow our own food are helping the earth one worm at a time!

‘Barrow fulls of wonderful soil conditioner, moisture-retainer and worm food coming up!

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