Friday 23 February 2024


Day 246 #365DaysWild

More rain. 

No pre-breakfast walk.

Drove mum through the traffic to her care group in Radford. She was anxious about the traffic & the rain. Then concerned there’d be no one else there due to the traffic & the rain.

At the care group the car park was like a lake. I

managed to pull the car up so mum could get out onto a non-flooded part and I stepped out into water that was ankle deep. Then again on my return to the car. 

Sloshed around Lidl.

Home then an early lunch and gardening.

Rain chains blocked so up on a ladder to clear them. Water running down sleeves. Not the visual effect I had hoped for.

Rain stopped gardening ridiculously early at 2:30pm. Sopping wet. Clothes joined the mornings wet trainers and socks in the plant room.

Still raining.

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