Sunday, 5 May 2024

A bustling city in the sand.

Day 319 #365DaysWild

The wonderful wedding of our niece and her partner last night.

Solitude by the pond was prescribed this morning, with the sun shining and birds in full spring song, it was just the therapy I needed.

By the pond is our best patch of untouched, south-facing sandy grassland. The grass is sparse, kept in check by yellow rattle - the parasite of grass. Here, a metre square would provide sufficient study for many months.
Tiny ants, small predatory spiders and several species of mining bee - some very small. A bustling city in the sand.

Then bumbling in came an Ashy Mining Bee. The most distinctive of our mining bees with its' burglars sweater of black and white stripes. She disappeared into a tunnel in the grass as I watched, then emerged giving me the opportunity to photograph her as she went about her business.

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