Sunday 1 September 2024

Wildflower seed sowing…

A good drop of rain forecast. Warm weather.

Optimal for casting wildflower seeds.

Grass scythed ready for removal
Ground prepared by removing large perennial weeds.

Rough grass scythed then taken away to remove fertility and allow access by

Bare soil exposed ready for seed

seeds to the soil surface.

Grass mown to reduce further.

All scarified with spring rake to remove remaining thatch and to ‘rough up’ the soil surface in readiness for seeding.

Seed mixed with dry sand

Mixed our own collected wildflower meadow seed with sharp sand to ensure distribution of seed -and sprinkled on approx 70m2

  • Yellow rattle (70g)
  • Bluebell
  • Cowslip
  • Wild carrot (old seed)
  • Field scabious
  • Birds-foot trefoil (tiny amount)
  • Mixed small packet ‘wildflower seed’
  • Snakeshead fritillary (Jan)

This morning there was good rain. More forecast this afternoon.

I’m optimistic!

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