Wednesday 27 February 2008

shakin' all over.....

The earth tremors that shook Lincolnshire last night woke us, and almost everyone else I know at 1:00am.

I was interested to hear from one mum that her baby (who always sleeps through) woke shortly before the tremors. I was also interested to hear from the same mum that her mother-in-law (who lived near to the epicentre) was woken, not by the shaking, but by birds singing loudly, in the dead of night, before the tremors hit.

We always, arrogantly, place ourselves at the top of the evolutionary ladder. What other organism can match us? Well, it seems that both babies and birds are more in harmony with our planet than we are.

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Michelle Wood said...

I heard about your earthquake from another fellow who lives in that area.

Hope you are ok!

Yes, I do believe that we have become out of harmony with our planet as we have become more industrialized.

We can regain at least some of that by spending time away from all the electronic gadgets and spending more time in Nature, just being observant and relating to our surroundings again.

I think the human condition wants to be in harmony with Nature, and it may be surprisingly easy to accomplish if we dedicate an honest amount of time and energy to it. :-)

Rob said...

Thanks for comments Michelle.

Fine here - in true British spirit 'Shaken but not stirred'!.

I couldn't agree more with what you say about electric gadgetry and our disharmony with the natural world.

Your comment led me to your blog which will provide me with lots of interesting reading. Cheers.