Friday 25 July 2008

This is the time of year when our herbs are coming into full flower.

This self-sown marjoram is in splendid flower, with hoverflies and bees giving it full attention.

I must admit that it is the herb I use least. I am always cutting mint, pulling bay leaves, snipping dill or chives. But marjoram?

But with looks as good as this, who cares?

What a little stunner.


Eve said...

I am always pulling exactly the same thing from mine, only I use a lot of basil with my tomaotes in the summer and your marjoram is my rosemary. I just don't use it much. Once in a while with chicken but I like the way it looks.

Rob said...

Chickens are pampered, not eaten here in sustainable garden. I love rosemary especially when I make focacia bread, but also like to flavour oven roasted tomatoes with it.
Marjoram can be used where oregano is called for, so should be great on pizza.