Sunday 31 May 2009

Mullein caterpillar - Shargacucullia verbasci

Shredded. Turned into a stump of white dust. That's one of my garden verbascum's, thanks to a visit from the mullein moth (Shargacucullia verbasci) caterpillar.

Here, you can see the beautifully marked caterpillars at work, absolutely destroying a vigorous plant.

They also love buddleias.

Their big juicy bodies are food for the parasitic ichneumon wasp (phion luteus).

The caterpillars make silk cocoons and overwinter in the soil.


Thorne said...

Ouch. Are you going to get wasps? Perhaps chickens, instead.

Lisa said...

Wow, that's some herbivore. Are there any native birds that like them?

Rob said...

I think that the coloration of the caterpillars dissuades birds, just as the tiger striped caterpillars if the cinnabar moth act as a deterrent to hungry birds - including hens!