Tuesday 2 June 2009

transplanting baby leeks

This is the time for transplanting those robust leek seedlings that have been growing on in a plantpot since March.

Prepare the bed by levelling and hoeing.

Then, dibber in holes 7 to 10 cms deep.

Carefully tease out the strongest of the small plants and place each into one of the planting holes.

Sprinkle the ground with granulated chicken manure pellets and water each seedling into its new home.
Stand back, and watch them grow. The planting holes will

close in time, but provide excellent little reservoirs each time you water each seedling carefully with your watering can.


Lisa said...

I just transplanted a few leeks yesterday, and have another pot to go, so I'm glad of some cultural recommendations, being a total newbie to leeks. I'll definitely add a bit more compost/organic fertilizer!

I'm harvesting lots of garlic and onions right now, and am waiting for squash, beans, and tomatoes...


Rob said...

Sooo jealous Lisa! Our first garlic was not worth lifting. We have just planted out little tomato plants but the weather this week has been cold.