leucanthemum x superbum 'broadway lights'
A 'star of the show' for us at RHS Tatton Park in July last year was the pale lemon leucanthemum 'Broadway Lights'. In the photo (taken at the show) you get an idea of their potential impact when planted 'en masse'. The big, simple flowers are ideal for visiting insects.
But we can't buy 'en masse' and so we came home clutching two plants and immediately divided them and planted them in a nursery bed on the allotment.

And now they occupy a corner of our first bed in the Vegetable Garden to be. The soil is so poor and this four feet by eight feet bed took over two hours to create, riddled as it was by tree roots and crying out for two wheelbarrows of compost. A start has been made on soil improvement with a good sprinkling of pelleted chicken manure to get things going.
The two 'Broadway Lights' plants have now become 48 ... with perhaps chance for further division later in the summer??? Here they are joined by divided geraniums and geums.
Although the soil in the newly created Vegetable Garden is very much poorer than at the allotment, I'm hoping that I can give the young plants plenty of t.l.c. and that they will thrive with all the extra attention.
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