diy prairie gardening

And the small, more formal gardens close to the bungalow will merge into the wilder areas through 'prairie style' beds of ornamental grasses and herbaceous perennials. To be honest, we are struggling with the grasses at the moment.
But our herbaceous perennial collection is looking healthier with the following bulking up in nursery beds on our allotment or in the vegetable garden:
- Anemone x hybrida japonica Honorine Jobert (Japanese anemone) (around 40) (right)
- Bergenia cordifolia (Elephants ears) (around 40 as root cuttings)
- Cephealaria giganteum (Giant scabious) (around 40) (left)
- Geraniums - of various varieties (approx 60)
- Leaucanthemum x superbum (Shasta daisy) 'Broadway Lights' (around 50)
- Leaucanthemum x superbum (Shasta daisy) white (around 20)
- Sedum spectabile (Ice plant) (approx 60)

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