Saturday, 16 September 2023

Jeune Price

Day 77 #365DaysWild

I am sorry to have to pass on the sad news that Jeune Price has passed away.

Jeune was a wonderful person and a brilliant supporter of the Mansfield and Ashfield Members’ Group of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. Always forthright but always a team player, she shaped and shared our hugely-popular talks and walks programme. The group raised much-needed funds for the Trust whilst raising the profile of the Trust in Mansfield and Ashfield. A feature of our talks were her mouth-watering, home-made muffins which were always worth coming out on a cold winters evening for!

The group encouraged Jeune to take a role as a trustee of the Trust - which she did for a number of years. She also acted as a volunteer at The Ragged School office. I must say I felt some personal responsibility when, having suggested she apply for a trusteeship she eventually found the experience frustrating, battling against what she described as an ‘old boys network’ that didn’t share our vision of an engaged local membership - and stepping away from the Trust completely.

I remain committed to Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. It presents a passionate and well-informed argument on behalf of the wildlife of Nottinghamshire, punching above its weight. Its’ staff share my passion for the wildlife of our county. Jeune’s direct experience of the Trusts governance and failure to find a voice for its’ members was disappointing.

Jeune was a passionate and independent woman who loved Nottinghamshire wildlife and was, in turn, well-loved by all of us who knew her.

It was only at her funeral that I discovered that she followed my tweets and blogging. I regret that we lost contact as she would have loved the home and garden we have created.

Thank you Jeune. You were a fellow traveller and one of the good ‘uns.

Our thoughts and love to her family.

Rob Carlyle
Former chair
Mansfield & Ashfield Local Members’ Group
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust

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