Monday, 27 May 2024

Rattle ..

Day 341 #365DaysWild

Hay rattle ..

The orchard and the meadow are now growing gold with hay rattle.

It is an important part of the meadow ecology in that it parasitises and weakens grasses, allowing less vigorous flowering plant species to become successful.

As the grass weakens, we give a helping hand to the floral biodiversity by seeding and plug planting native wild flowers.

It is fascinating to watch the move from derelict, nettle & bramble choked woodland to meadow..

In 2022:
  1. Red clover
  2. Black medic
  3. Oxeye daisy
  4. Yellow rattle
  5. Red campion
  6. Sorrel
  7. Ragged Robin 
  8. Daisy
  9. Meadow buttercup
  10. Trefoil??
  11. Cranesbill
  12. Common vetch
  13. Smaller cranesbill
  14. Hedgerow cranesbill
  15. Ribwort plantain 
  16. Creeping buttercup
  17. Forget-me-not
  18. Hawkweed
  19. Fox & cubs
  20. Common speedwell
  21. Dandelion
  22. Spotted orchid
  23. Salad burnet
  24. White clover
  25. Corn camomile 
  26. Common mouse ear 
Cowslips have thrived this spring and we’re hopeful that there’ll be lots of self-sown seedlings to follow.

Linda had scattered snakeshead fritillery seed with some success.
Seeds sown , awaiting germination
In 2024 we hope to add more birds’ foot trefoil, field scabious and dainty little harebells.

In doing so, we expect to boost invertebrate numbers..

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